El llamado embrague es usar "apagado" y "encendido" para transmitir la cantidad correcta de energía. The agricultural machinery clutch consists of friction plates, spring plates (disc springs are used for tractors, and diaphragm springs are used for harvesters), a pressure plate and a power output shaft. It is transmitted to the gearbox to ensure that the agricultural machinery transmits the appropriate amount of driving force and torque to the driving wheels under different working conditions.

The clutch is a device that connects the agricultural machinery engine and the transmission, and the clutch pedal is the clutch control device. Cuando se pisa o levanta el pedal del embrague, the engine and the transmission will be temporarily separated or smoothly combined to cut off or transmit power to realize changes in the agricultural machine’s starting, cambiando, parking and other motion states. Levante lentamente el embrague hasta que esté completamente levantado.. Si el motor se para cuando se levanta el embrague, it proves that the clutch is not slipping. Si el motor no se cala cuando se levanta el embrague, puede ser problema del embrague.

Embrague tractor

los según el tamaño de la resistencia del motor Pise gradualmente el pedal del acelerador generally uses a double-acting clutch, que es, one road is responsible for walking, and the other road is responsible for power output. Por motivos estructurales, the gap between the flange of the clutch pressure plate and the housing is relatively small, especially in the south of the Huaihe River in my country, where there is abundant rainfall and high air humidity, y el tractor no se usa todos los dias (sometimes it is not used for several months) , De este modo, it is bound to be prone to rust, which will cause adhesion between the pressure plate bracket and the flange, resulting in incomplete separation of the clutch.

Sugerencia: before using the tractor parked for a long time, the tractor operator should first open the clutch inspection port, use a flat screwdriver to turn the clutch assembly, y pulverice un poco de desoxidante en las tres bridas del plato de presión del embrague, and then step on the A few clutch pedals make it move back and forth, and then the tractor can be used normally for various tasks.


Combine Harvester Clutch

Because the working environment of the combine harvester is very bad, there is a lot of dust in the air, and the clutch is an open structure. When the harvester is working, the dust in the air is brought into the clutch chamber from the gap between the clutch pulley and the clutch housing support, and is captured. The rotating clutch is driven by the centrifugal force to the inner space of the pressure plate, gradually forming the phenomenon of clutch slippage (the combine harvester will appear weak when walking). Además, the clutch drive belt of the combine harvester should not be too tight and should not be started at high speed, de otra manera, serious faults such as bending of the clutch shaft will easily occur.


1. The designer of the Technology Center Research Institute should design grooves on the inner wall of the clutch housing (corresponding to the clutch pulley), and stick felt strips of uniform thickness to prevent large dust particles from entering the clutch chamber. Nota: rubber seals cannot be used. ring, because the clutch pulley is at the end of a shaft, there will be a large jump).

More information about agricultural machinery clutches can be accessed by clicking:https://www.syclutch.com/tractor-clutch