Cojinetes de pared delgada, also known as thin-section bearings or slim bearings, are specialized bearings with a thin cross-section. The production process of thin-walled bearings involves several key steps. It’s important to note that the specific details may vary among manufacturers, but the following provides a general overview of the production process.

Proceso de producción de soportes de pared delgada.

Thin-walled bearings

Selección de materiales

El proceso de producción comienza con la selección de los materiales adecuados.. Los rodamientos de paredes delgadas suelen estar fabricados de acero de alta calidad o acero inoxidable., que proporciona la fuerza y ​​resistencia a la corrosión necesarias.

Cortar materia prima

La materia prima seleccionada se corta en la forma inicial., típicamente en forma de anillos o tubos. El corte de precisión es crucial para lograr las dimensiones requeridas para el rodamiento de paredes delgadas..

Conformado en frío o torneado

The initial shape undergoes a forming process, which can involve cold forming or turning. Cold forming is a process where the material is shaped at room temperature without the use of heat. Turning involves the removal of material to achieve the desired shape.

Heat Treatment

The formed or turned components undergo heat treatment to enhance their mechanical properties. Heat treatment processes may include quenching and tempering to achieve the desired hardness, la fuerza, and toughness.


Precision grinding is a critical step to achieve the tight tolerances required for thin-walled bearings. Grinding ensures a smooth surface finish and precise dimensions for proper fit and functionality.

For more detailed information about the production process of thin-walled bearings, por favor haga clic aquí: