La línea de producción de hidróxido de calcio es un tipo de equipo que produce hidróxido de calcio a partir de calcio en polvo como la cal viva. Por lo tanto, comprender los pasos específicos de los procedimientos de operación de la línea de producción de hidróxido de calcio, learn how to better operate calcium hydroxide production line and calcium hydroxide production line The key points of the operation procedures are the basic requirements for operators of each La producción de hidróxido de calcio se ha desarrollado desde el manual tradicional hasta la línea de producción inteligente actual.

Specific measures for the operation procedures of calcium hydroxide production line

1. Use a machine to crush the quicklime to a size of about 10-40 mm, and then send it to the calcium oxide storage tank through a bucket elevator.

2. Durante el proceso de producción, the calcium oxide in the silo enters the first-level slaked lime digester through the weighing system. After adding water, it is stirred at a low speed with stirring. During this process, the calcium oxide undergoes a chemical reaction to complete the preliminary digestion and classification.

3. Then enter the secondary and tertiary digesters to complete the digestion process.

calcium hydroxide production line

4. After the digested lime is naturally decomposed, it is screened through the screen to obtain suitable specifications, and then sent to the bucket elevator by the screw conveyor, and then sent to the screen classifier by the bucket elevator for re-screening and rejection . impurities to obtain qualified refined slaked lime.

5. Refined slaked lime is transported to the bucket elevator through the finished product conveyor, enters the finished calcium hydroxide silo, and then is packaged according to customer requirements.

How to better operate the calcium hydroxide production line

In order to use the calcium hydroxide production line proficiently, the operator needs to undergo special training. In addition to the basic equipment operation, we also need to have an understanding of the theoretical knowledge and equipment maintenance of the calcium hydroxide production line.

When learning the theory of the calcium hydroxide production line, we mainly understand the working principle of the calcium hydroxide production line, the structural composition and key components of the equipment, and secondly, we also need to understand the finished calcium hydroxide products, such as what kind of calcium hydroxide is qualified product, what are its characteristics, etc.

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