Cojinetes de mesa giratoria, También conocidos como rodamientos giratorios o rodamientos giratorios., Son componentes críticos utilizados en diversas aplicaciones que requieren una rotación suave., soporte de carga axial y radial, y posicionamiento preciso. Estos rodamientos presentan varias características clave para facilitar su funcionalidad.。

Rotary table bearing characteristics

Large Diameter: Rotary table bearings typically have large diameters to support heavy loads and provide stability during rotation. The diameter can range from several inches to several meters, depending on the application requirements.

Diseño compacto: Despite their large size, rotary table bearings are designed to be compact to minimize space requirements and installation complexities.

High Load Capacity: These bearings are engineered to withstand significant axial, radial, and even moment loads while maintaining smooth rotation. They are capable of supporting static and dynamic loads encountered during operation.

Rotary table bearings

Dual Axial and Radial Support: Rotary table bearings provide both axial and radial support, allowing for smooth rotation and axial movement while accommodating radial loads.

Gear Teeth or Gear Ring: Many rotary table bearings feature gear teeth or a gear ring integrated into the outer diameter. These gears facilitate the transmission of torque, enabling the bearing to function as a rotary drive or positioning system.

Raceway Design: The raceways in rotary table bearings are specially designed to minimize friction, wear, and noise while maximizing load-carrying capacity and rotational accuracy.

Sealing and Lubrication: Seals and lubrication systems are incorporated into rotary table bearings to protect against contamination, prevent lubricant leakage, and ensure smooth operation over extended periods.

Rotary table bearings

Corrosion Resistance: Depending on the application environment, rotary table bearings may be constructed from materials or coatings that offer corrosion resistance, enhancing durability and longevity.

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