La forja en matriz abierta y la forja en matriz son dos procesos de forja comunes, pero difieren en la forma en que se moldea y forma el metal. Estas son las diferencias clave entre los dos procesos.:

El equipo: La forja de matriz abierta se realiza con grandes martillos y prensas para deformar el metal en la forma deseada., while die forging uses a set of dies (also known as molds) to shape the metal. The dies are typically made of steel and are designed to withstand the high temperatures and pressures of the forging process.

Forjas de balancines

Proceso de: In open die forging, the metal is placed on a large anvil and struck repeatedly by a hammer or press, which deforms the metal into the desired shape. The metal is not confined by the dies, which allows for more flexibility in the shape and size of the final product. In die forging, the metal is placed between two dies, which are then pressed together to shape the metal. The dies are typically designed to create a specific shape or form, and the metal is pressed until it fills the cavity of the dies.

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